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You can join NOMADS

NOMADS, a registered not for profit Society, founded Feb 23rd, 2023, is a new age school for cross-disciplinary, in-ter-dependent, Cinema conscious, Creative Practice. It works to create intimate & rigorous learning spaces via specially curated programmes in the interface of being human and creative practice.

With a sensible perspective on Asian Philosophy & Aesthetics, its a call to reOrient to the unknown in the familial. In the face of serious threats to abiding structures like Nature, Culture, Individual, Family, Society, it also becomes the perfect space to un-learn as well as to forge critical connects between individuals from diverse backgrounds, to build a safe place for new encounters with self & others.

If you feel called to join the nurturing of a creative climate

for the young and not so young there are 3 ways, you can join in:

Join our mailing list


Become NOMADS Member

You may choose to be a NOMADS Member by committing support as Annual Membership. In addition to being kept in the loop of NOMADS’ activities, members will have access to select online events.

Annual Membership for NOMADS: 5K


Become NOMADS Sponsor

You may choose to be a SPONSOR and offer a scholarship to support a student in any of NOMADS programmes. In addition to having Member privileges, SPONSORs shall be duly credited in the programme.

Scholarship support: variable

Scholarship support for F(r)ICTION 2025: 30K (full) 15K (half)


Become NOMADS Donor

You may choose to be a DONOR supporting the yearly NOMADS production (a book, film, performance, exhibition, or any emergent hybrid forms et al.) DONORs shall be duly credited in the creative production. 

Donation support: 1L & above

Artworks by SHAMPA SHAH

Become a Member
Become a Sponsor
Become a Donor
© Copy-Right NOMADS
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